Sunday, November 2, 2008

I missed the memo

I said I wasn't going to do it anymore but I can't stop myself. I keep reading the comments at the end of articles in the paper. Maybe I should go back to only reading the print version again since that won't include yet another essay about the perils of Barak Hussein Obama by Ordinary Joe from Glen Burnie. But I read it and now I can't get it all out of my head again, the name calling, the accusations of socialism, the derision for his experience… it's all there as usual. But here's what I don't understand. When did the poles shift so selfishness became a virtue while altruism became a sin? I went to church as a little girl and studied the Ten Commandments and the Bible. We learned the Golden Rule, "Love they neighbor." I went to Girl Scouts where we collected canned goods to give to the poor.

But now, I feel like the cool kids are pointing and laughing at me all over again for carrying my Unicef boxes around with my Trick-or-Treat bag. Did they take out the commandment about coveting your neighbor's ass to make room for "Look out for #1"? Somehow I went from living a good, caring life to being a communist and I didn't even notice. Hell, I'm not even a good Christian anymore because I don't hate the right people.

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