Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ringtone dilemma

So I finally got around to replacing my old cell phone (you know the one with the 4 key that didn't work anymore, making it impossible to text gerunds) and upgraded to a fancy one with a full keyboard, the LG enV. Because I am inherently distrustful of anything different or new, I refuse to take the protective plastic scratch guard off the front of it. I figure once I do, I am fully committed. But then again, am I really committed to a phone while it still has only the default ringtones?

But that presents the dilemma at hand. Do I stick with the elaborate set of ringtones I already have that allow me to immediately identify who is calling me without having to dig my phone out of my purse? Or, do I seize the opportunity to change things up and get some new tunes? No, if I have to download them all over anyway, I might was well embrace the new.

Getting new ringtones always seems like it should be so much fun but then, when faced with the moment of download no return, I always find myself paralyzed with indecision. What if I choose the wrong song? I'm too cheap to waste a $2 download so once I get a song, I am damn well going to use it (thus the Rainbow Connection debacle of 2004). How does one express themselves and identify their friends and family with a 3-5 minute song? It's a veritable minefield of cute and uncool and annoying. And now there is the added wrinkle (poor choice of words) that I don't recognize half the songs on the "What's New" page. sigh.

Back to the Verizon Media Store.

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