Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Shhhh... If you are quiet you can hear the fiddling

I drove by this McCain/Palin sign proudly displayed in the parking lot of a lumber yard that failed in the wake of our housing crisis and I couldn't help but stop and take a picture. So many thoughts sprang to my mind immediately. How can anyone be so clueless as to miss the incredible irony of an image like this one? Did someone actually have the thought, "I know, I have a vacant, run down property. It's the PERFECT place for a McCain sign!"

If I had more of a vandal’s heart, I would be tempted to add a sign overtop saying, “This failed business brought to you by:” but that would be unfair. They haven’t really had a chance to put businesses under yet. But that doesn’t stop their local campaign office from taking advantage of the opportunities a deserted commercial site has to offer.

Because nothing says “Reform*Prosperity*Peace” like a sign behind a locked chain link fence.

Old 84 Lumber
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I am so tempted to post this to failblog...

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